Our Staff

Kelly Kephart, MSW, LPN, EMDR-T, CTRTC

Counselor III

Kelly graduated from LPN school in 2006 and entered the drug and alcohol field a few months later. Most of her nursing career has been in this field or corrections. In January 2020, she left her job as a nurse at a male medium-security prison to try her hand at counseling. Later that year, she earned a BS in Psychology from Excelsior University. She then graduated from Ohio State University with a Master’s in Social Work and will be taking the LSW boards to pursue an LCSW. She is certified in Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, EMDR-trained, and a Certified Crisis Management trainer. She is not in recovery, but she has several family members who have battled and are battling this disease. Kelly is also a fierce mental health advocate for adults and children and is certified in adult and youth mental health first aid. She likes to make clients think and truly appreciates those light bulb moments they experience. As an EMDR-trained therapist, she loves being able to help clients gain a different perspective on their trauma and become more empowered. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, listening to music, and spending time with family and friends. Kelly is also a huge college football fan of her beloved alma mater (Go Bucks!).

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